Monday, November 16, 2009

Sick of camp

I'm so sick of going back to camp on my off days for stupid useless events and lessons!
I seem to be spending so much time in camp that i hardly have time for anything else!

My shift duty schedule sucks.
Example : I have to be at "work" on Monday 8:15am , I finish work on Wednesday 9:00am , I am only dismissed at about 11:00am. I have to be back again on Friday 8:15am and the cycle continues.

That's bad ? There's MORE!
If we have to stay back on the 1st day , I will get released on Wednesday at about 5:30pm!

It only gets WORSE!
If we have to come back on the 2nd day, I will have to come back to camp on Thursday from 8:00am-5:30pm!

Look at all the daylight hours being wasted!

So lets see a breakdown of my time :
50% per month spent in-camp doing duty
50% of my off-days spent in-camp doing useless stuff
50% of these off-days spent in-camp doing useless stuff falls on Day 1 and the other 50% on Day 2.
Result : I spend about 80% of my daylight hours in camp per month!

Army Directive : 5 and a Half day work week.
 1 Day = 8 Hours
5 Days + 4 Hours = 44 Hours a week
1 Month = 176 Hours a Month

Lets see how much i am working.
1 Mount = 2 Days
2 Days = 48 Hours
We work half of the time.
Therefore , we work 24 hours.

1 Month = approx. 8 mounts.
8 mounts x 24 = 192 hours a month

Now, lets add the extra crap that I have to stay back for.
1 Day of crap = 8 Hours
Crap Days per month = approx. 6 days
8 x 6 = 48 Hours of crap
48 hours + 192 hours = 240 hours!

Ok nevermind. I'm just irritated.
I'm going for a drink.

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